70 Gallon freshwater aquarium
This aquarium was given a brand new look with the addition of LED lighting, a theme appropriate background, some refreshed aquarium plants, as well as some intense algae removal and water quality improvement. Worlds different, this aquarium is now a beautiful focal point at this business.
30 gallon biocube saltwater aquarium
This aquarium is a new project for Aggieland Aquatics in need of some stabilizing and water quality adjustment. In a few weeks time, the existing water parameters will be stabilized and the aquarium will be ready for new life!
A couple years later and this aquarium is teaming with life and creating awe in the lives of its student spectators!
29 Gallon freshwater aquarium
This residential aquarium was brought to life and ready to be home to a peaceful community!
1 Year Later
125 Reef aquarium
This aquarium was the unfortunate victim of multiple simultaneous equipment failures and some much needed regular maintenance. Now a year later and this reef aquarium looks stellar!
55 Gallon freshwater aquarium
This residential aquarium was overrun with pest algae. A thorough cleaning and adjusted lighting schedule later this aquarium looks beautiful!